Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kendo, at my age!

If you come to Japan

DO NOT let your child do Kendo! 

Now there's nothing wrong with Kendo, don't get me wrong. Fine sport. Don't know anything about it, of course. Bunch of blokes (sorry and blokesses) charging each other with toy swords.

I can imagine worse.

But expect as a parent to get asked to do this!

Now I've never said no to anything. Ok, maybe I grumble a lot, and probably have said no to anything that would be better done with liberal application of Vaseline. But where do you run to when someone says you'll face off some junior with a big bloody hard stick!

Hmmm, this really is not Kunisaki specific, but in Japan one does things in groups. And sub groups. Like a lot. It's 'community'. Not sure I know much about that either, but if there was such a thing left in the West, this is probably what it would be all about.

Putting old geezers in suits of armour, no training, and throwing them to the wolves. Yes, community I say.  

In a nutshell (I think that was what I was wearing, or a tortoise shell) one gets volunteered to do all sorts of things that one might have thought out of bounds, or just plain foolhardy.

Anyway, if my wife provides the phone video, I will add that sometime. Dare me!

The result?

It was a draw!

A miracle: no strikes (on me), more to the point, no bruises. Just one breathless old man with slightly soiled underclothes.

Nuff said.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Monju Temple, Kunisaki, leaves one quite speechless

Quite the jewel in the crown you know. I had been wondering about Monju for a while. In fact, since I saw this poster in many of the local shops, and whilst taking tea at a local hotel.

I think the 'official' Japanese web site is here, but it really fails to show much of what I saw. A national treasure would be an understatement. Do they really know how to market what they have? We advertise big fiberglass prawns better in Australia! As if it would need it ;-)

Nonetheless, at last we paid a visit. It's out in the country, and that's remote enough. Then up a mountain road, even better. My phone snaps do not do this location any justice at all! But as the scenes are so beautiful, maybe the lackluster technology won't matter. I'll be back, I can promise you that.

These will do for now, until I get a real camera. Camera manufacturers, this is your chance to step in and get some free advertising! Yes I say, free as in beer.

So, this is my taster for what to expect if you take a wander around Monju Temple (Monjusen-ji or 文殊仙寺), here in Kunisaki. Where a Canon factory is also located. HINT, HINT. I'll even fix your website in exchange :-)

All this, a short drive from the house. Extraordinary! There should be a million web entries on this, and yet I could barely find one decent page, even in Japanese.  Maybe I'll have to do something better. Here, by myself. So until then!

Hmmm, maybe not quite speechless, as per the title, but sufficiently humbled, if I knew what that were like.